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Massachusetts was taken from the name of a confederacy of Algonquin Indian tribes of the region.  The name means "place of big hills." 

Nicknames:  Old Colony, Bay State  State Data: Total Area - 8,266 sq. miles, water, 228 sq. miles  Motto: "Ense Petit Placidam sub Libertate Quietem (with the Sword She Seeks Quiet Repose Under Liberty)."  State Flower:  Mayflower or Trailing Arbutus   Main Rivers:  Merrimack, Connecticut, Westfield, Deerfield, Chicopee, and Taunton.   Mountain Ranges & Topography: Elevation - Lowest, Atlantic Ocean, sea level; highest, Mt. Greylock, 3,505 ft.; average, 500 ft. Agriculture: Small fruits (especially cranberries), apples, hay, tobacco, potatoes, corn, oats, rye, onions, and various vegetables.  Livestock and dairy farming (especially milk and eggs).  U.S. Agricultural Experiment Station at Amherst.  U.S. Land-Grant Colleges:  Massachusetts Agricultural College at Amherst;  Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge.   Manufacturing includes:  Manufacturing has from the early days been the main source of livelihood and wealth of most of its people.  It is probably true that there is not a home in the United States that does not contain some Massachusetts products; that here is not a manufacturing plant that does not contain some Massachusetts-made machine, tool, or implement.  Massachusetts is large in industrial establishments, wage earners, and value added manufacturing.  The state has always ranked high in textiles (cotton, knit goods, silk, dye and finishing products, textile machinery, boots and shoes, tanned leather, electrical machinery, machine shop products, fishing products, paper, printing and publishing, envelopes and greeting cards, rubber boots and shoes, razor blades, motorcycles, abrasive wheels, glue and gelatins, printed music, house furnishings, confectionery clocks, jewelry, and sporting goods. Fishing:  Boston, Gloucester, and New Bedford are famous fishing ports, whaling was once very important ; also cod, haddock, lobsters, and mackerel.  Geology: Minerals: Granite, basalt (trap rock), some coke, clay, and lime.  Most famous product, Quincy granite.  Leading Cities:  Boston (capital), Worcester, Springfield, Fall River, Cambridge, New Bedford, Lowell, Lynn, Somerville, and Lawrence.   Massachusetts is the second most densely populated state in the Union. 

Climate-   Rather severe winters, short springs, moderate summers.  Average annual temperatures;  48 degrees at Boston, ranging for the whole state from 70 degrees in the summer to 23 degrees in the winter.  Annual rainfall 38 to 48 inches.  Seasonal fog along the coast.

Destinations-  Contact us to add your destination link here!    

Events-  Search the State Website (Click Here!)

Food-  Traditional American food in most communities.  Chinese food is also prevalent.

Foreign Visitors-  Foreigners entering the United States must carry two documents: A valid Passport, expiring not less than 6 months prior to the scheduled end of their visit to the U.S.; and a tourist visa obtainable at any American consulate at no charge. Anyone applying for an immigrant's visa must obtain a screening test for the AIDS-HIV virus.  This test does not apply to tourists.  Any visitor with a medical condition that requires treatment with narcotics or with paraphernalia must carry a valid, signed prescription from their doctor.  Travel insurance is optional in the US but required by most car rental companies.  See our link on money conversion for foreign guests.

History-  Search the State Website (Click Here!) 

Language-  English

Lodging & Links-  Contact us to add your lodging link here!

Money-  US Currency - Currency conversion from:

Parks- (Search State Parks),  (WorldTourist Search Page-Nat. Parks)  

Recreation- Search the State Website (Click Here!) 

Resorts-  Contact us to add your Resort link here!

Seasons-   Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter!  

Tours-  Contact us to add your tour company here!

Travel- This country is best seen by private auto!

Tips-  In the high country early spring and Fall snow storms can catch you unaware, be prepared!  


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